On Saturday, our program group went on a tour of the second largest township in South Africa: Umlazi. This township is divided into districts A-Z and they have even progressed to districts AA, BB, and CC. The township covers an astounding area. Most homes do not have access to water. Every morning people form a que at the water pump and fill up a bucket of water for the day. Electricity and indoor plumbing are scarce. A shack serves as a toilet for a large area. Many people use this one shack as a toilet and place to bathe. We went inside one home that had extremely unsafe access to electricity, unhygienic kitchen and living quarters, and scarce amenities. The districts each have a council with appointed community leaders that keep the community safe. Some of these councils are so strong that crime is virtually erased from their district. They have been able to accomplish this by using "kangaroo courts" that dole out disturbingly harsh punishments for criminals. We also visited a small sanctuary in the midst of poverty. How Long? Park is a park built by hand over the last 30 years by a young man who had a dream to create a place free from suffering in that area. His question inspired the name of the park as he asked the question, "How long will we suffer?"
He and his wife started shaping the park and lived in a two-person shack. Through their hard work they have created an exceptional park and a great home of their own.
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