Molly and I met in 1st grade attending Chambers Elementary School in University Place, Washington. We struck up a friendship in Triad (a class for advanced kids) and became avid pen pals when I moved away to Nigeria. We kept up our overseas friendship for four years and were able to see each other in the summer time. Molly and I continuously joked to her mother that I would pack her in my suitcase and tow her along one year. She has yet to make it to Nigeria, but South Africa will have to do for now.
When I returned to the United States and began 8th grade at Curtis Junior High, it was quite a culture shock to say the least. Molly was a great friend that year and made the transition back into American culture much easier. Above is a picture of us at a Junior High dance in our younger days.
We have continued our friendship over the years and are ecstatic about venturing to Africa together. Molly is pursuing graduate school for a Master's Degree in Public Health while perhaps pursuing a Ph.D. simultaneously. I had a medical school interview today at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. We both applied to OHSU and we are hoping to receive good news abroad. I believe everything happens for a reason and that good things happen to good people... let's hope I am right!
Gosh I hope you get into OHSU! Man! Id love to visit you and Scott in Portland! :) Woo!... and P.S. I remember that dance! I went with Rachel Skevington! How fun:)