So you may be thinking, "What's the deal with the title of the blog?" Well, let me tell you. Where I grew up significantly shaped the person I am today. I attended the American International School of Lagos which had students from over fifty countries in attendance. This third-world country knows poverty well but positivity better. Growing up in Nigeria imprinted myriad people, sights, smells, beliefs, and desires into my memory. Witnessing the hope and generosity of people in the face of tremendous obstacles inspired me to help others, appreciate what I have every day, and pursue a career in medicine. Therefore, I carry Africa in my heart, I carry it in my heart, to remind me of who I am, where I am going, and the joy of living.

The title also happens to refer to my favorite poem by e.e. cummings "i carry your heart"
Which also reminds me of my fiancé Scott Deal. Scott and I are recently engaged as of February 6, 2010 after a four year long courtship. It will be tough to be apart for the next 3 months. I head to South Africa while he pursues his baseball career with the Oakland A's as a minor league pitcher. Two weeks until I leave, the countdown begins...